
/ver dun", verr-/; Fr. /verdd dueonn"/, n.
1. a fortress city in NE France, on the Meuse River. A German offensive was stopped here in 1916 in the bloodiest fighting of World War I. 26,927.
2. a city in S Quebec, in SE Canada. 68,013.

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(as used in expressions)
Verdun Battle of
Verdun Treaty of

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      town, Meuse département, Lorraine région, northeastern France, on the Meuse River. Most of the town is on the left bank, near the Citadel. Practically destroyed in World War I, it was rebuilt with wide streets. A cathedral, dating from the 11th century and rising on the highest point of the town, has been restored.

      Verdun was a Gallic fortress before Roman times. It was there in 843 that three grandsons of Charlemagne divided his empire in the Treaty of Verdun (Verdun, Treaty of). Conquered by German invaders in the 10th century, it was later linked with Metz and Toul to form the Trois-Évêchés (Three Bishoprics) territory. In 1552 the French king Henry II took over the three bishoprics, and France's ownership was confirmed in 1648 by the Peace of Westphalia (Westphalia, Peace of). In 1792 Verdun was besieged by the Prussians and yielded only a few weeks before the French victory at Valmy. The Prussians captured it again in 1870 and held it until 1873. With the loss of Alsace-Lorraine to the German Empire in 1871, the German frontier was fixed barely 30 miles (50 km) away. In response, France heavily fortified the hills around Verdun to counterbalance the German stronghold of Metz.

      In World War I thisgreat advanced citadel of Francebecame, in Winston Churchill's phrase, “the anvil upon which French manhood was to be hammered to death.” The ring of fortresses around Verdun, forming one of the main barriers on the road to Paris from the east, was the primary objective of the great German offensive of 1916. The long battle (Verdun, Battle of) fought in the surrounding countryside is commemorated by numerous monuments, of which the most remarkable are the Ossuaire de Douaumont and the Monument de la Victoire. There are more than 70 cemeteries (Allied and German) in the area, and war museums are in the Citadel and in the restored 17th-century Hôtel de Ville. The Verdun battlefields are still much visited. During World War II in September 1944 it was heavily bombed by the Germans after its liberation by American forces.

      Modern-day Verdun is an administrative and commercial centre that serves a largely rural region. Industrial development has been limited but includes food processing, printing, and the manufacture of electronics. Pop. (1999) 19,624; (2005 est.) 19,300.

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Universalium. 2010.

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