
/ver chel"ee, veuhr-/; It. /verdd chel"lee/, n.
a city in NW Italy, W of Milan. 55,161.

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Latin  Vercellae  

      city, capital of Vercelli provincia, Piemonte (Piedmont) regione, northwestern Italy. It lies along the Sesia River, southwest of Novara. The chief city of the Libici (a Ligurian tribe), it later became a Roman municipium (town). The Campi Raudii (Raudian Fields) to the south were the scene of Hannibal's first victory on Roman soil (218 BC) and of the Roman general Marius (Marius, Gaius)'s defeat of the Cimbri in 101 BC. A powerful independent republic in the Middle Ages, Vercelli fell to the Visconti Family of Milan in 1335 and to the house of Savoy in 1427. The Spanish occupied it from 1638 to 1659. It was a bishopric from the 4th century and has been an archbishopric since 1817.

      The city's notable landmarks include the cathedral (reconstructed 1572), with a valuable library that houses the Codex Vercellensis, a late 10th-century Old English manuscript; the Romanesque-Gothic Basilica of Sant'Andrea (1219–24); and the churches of San Cristoforo, San Paolo, and San Francesco. Vercelli was the birthplace of the painter Il Sodoma (Sodoma, Il). The city has an art gallery, local museum, and municipal library and archives.

      Vercelli is a rail junction and major rice market in an irrigated agricultural region. Its industries include flour milling, food processing, and the manufacture of textiles, chemicals, and machinery. Pop. (1999 est.) 47,946.

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Universalium. 2010.

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