
vaned, adj.vaneless, adj.
/vayn/, n.
1. See weather vane.
2. a blade, plate, sail, etc., in the wheel of a windmill, to be moved by the air.
3. any of a number of blades or plates attached radially to a rotating drum or cylinder, as in a turbine or pump, that move or are moved by a fluid, as steam, water, hot gases, or air.
4. a person who is readily changeable or fickle.
5. Aerospace.
a. any fixed or movable plane surface on the outside of a rocket providing directional control while the rocket is within the atmosphere.
b. a similar plane surface located in the exhaust jet of a reaction engine, providing directional control while the engine is firing.
6. Ornith. the web of a feather. See illus. under feather.
7. Navig., Survey. either of two fixed projections for sighting an alidade or the like.
8. Archery. feather (def. 5).
[bef. 1100; ME; OE fana flag; c. G Fahne flag, Goth fana segment of cloth; cf. GONFANON]

* * *

(as used in expressions)
King William Rufus de Vane
Vane Sir Henry
Sir Henry Vane the Younger

* * *

Universalium. 2010.

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/ (of a windmill, propeller, etc.)

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