
/vann lwann"/ for 1, 3; /val"wah/ for 2, n.
1. a member of a ruling family of France that reigned from 1328 to 1589.
2. Dame Ninette de /ni net"/. See de Valois, Dame Ninette.
3. a county in the Île de France, which became united to the French crown in 1167 and was established as a duchy in 1406.

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Medieval county and duchy, northern France.

It corresponds to the southeastern quarter of the modern département of Oise, with an adjacent portion of Aisne. It was under the Merovingian kings (с 500751) and their successors, the Carolingians, until it became a hereditary countship. In 1214 King Philip II Augustus annexed it to the royal domain. The duchy's last representative, Henry III, was succeeded in 1589 by the house of Bourbon. In 1790 it was abolished in the redivision of France into départements.
(as used in expressions)
de Valois Dame Ninette
Philippe de Valois
Philip of Valois

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      historic region of France that gave its name to the second line of the Capetian dynasty; it corresponds to the southeastern quarter of the modern département of Oise, with an adjacent portion of Aisne. Under the Merovingian kings (c. 500751) and their successors, the first Carolingians, the county of Valois, or pagus Vadensis, with its capital at Vez, was an administrative district; in the post-Carolingian period it became a hereditary countship. Dynastically united with the Vexin (borderland between Île-de-France and Normandy) in the early Capetian period, it passed, with Crépy as capital, in 1077 to the House of Vermandois. In 1214 Philip II Augustus of France annexed Valois to the royal domain. Philip of Valois became king of France in 1328; his descendants ruled until 1589. Under them, Valois was a duchy held by members of the royal family. Louis XIII, a Bourbon king, gave Valois to his brother Gaston, duc d'Orléans, in 1630. Louis XIV gave it in turn to his brother Philippe, likewise duc d'Orléans, in 1661. The latter's descendants held it until the Revolution. In 1790 it was erased in the redivision of France into départements.

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Universalium. 2010.

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