- vagrancy
/vay"greuhn see/, n., pl. vagrancies.1. the state or condition of being a vagrant: an arrest for vagrancy.2. the conduct of a vagrant.3. mental wandering; reverie.[1635-45; VAGR(ANT) + -ANCY]
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Act of wandering about without employment or identifiable means of support.Traditionally a vagrant was thought to be one who was able to work for his maintenance but preferred instead to live idly, often as a beggar. Punishment ranged from branding and whipping to conscription into the military services and transportation to penal colonies. In the U.S., laws against vagrancy were used by police and prosecutors to proscribe a wide range of behaviours. Many such laws were struck down as unconstitutionally vague, thus largely decriminalizing vagrancy, though in the 1990s many local laws were implemented to curtail aggressive panhandling, begging, and other activities by vagrants on city streets.* * *
▪ lawstate or action of one who has no established home and drifts from place to place without visible or lawful means of support. Traditionally a vagrant was thought to be one who was able to work for his maintenance but preferred instead to live idly, often as a beggar. The punishment for this ranged from branding and whipping to conscription into the military services and transportation to penal colonies. In English law, a man who deserted his wife and children was considered a vagrant, as was any man who gave a false account of himself.The vagueness of the common-law meanings of vagrancy has been reflected in subsequent statutory law. In the United States and northern Europe, vagrancy must generally be accompanied by the act of begging before it becomes punishable. Usually local authorities merely encourage the vagrant to move on, relieving themselves of the financial burden of maintaining the offender. In some countries the term describes a more serious offense than begging. Often it applies to a person who has a fixed habitation but pursues a calling condemned by the law as immoral, such as prostitution or gambling.Vagrancy is frequently used by police and prosecutors as a tool for proscribing a wide range of behaviour. Political demonstrations, the obstruction of streets or walks, riotous activities, and loitering have all been variously interpreted as violations of vagrancy laws. This fluid application of a vague statute or ordinance has been heavily criticized by legal scholars and civil libertarians. The United States Supreme Court declared a Florida state statute unconstitutional in February 1972 on the grounds that its terms were not sufficiently explicit to inform those subject to it what conduct would render them liable to its penalties. See also disorderly conduct.* * *
Universalium. 2010.