
/yoo ray"nee euhm/, n. Chem.
a white, lustrous, radioactive, metallic element, occurring in pitchblende, and having compounds that are used in photography and in coloring glass. The 235 isotope is used in atomic and hydrogen bombs and as a fuel in nuclear reactors. Symbol: U; at. wt.: 238.03; at. no.: 92; sp. gr.: 19.07.
[1790-1800; < NL; see URANUS, -IUM]

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Chemical element of the actinide series (with many transition element properties), chemical symbol U, atomic number 92.

A dense, hard, silvery white metal that tarnishes in air, it is isolated from such ores as pitchblende. Until the discovery of the first transuranium element in 1940, uranium was believed to be the heaviest element. Radioactivity was discovered in uranium by A.-H. Becquerel. All its isotopes are radioactive; several have half-lives long enough to permit determination of the age of the Earth by uranium-thorium-lead dating and uranium-234uranium-238 dating. Nuclear fission was discovered in 1938 in uranium bombarded with neutrons, and the self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction, the atomic bomb, and the generation of nuclear power followed. Uranium has various valences in compounds, some of which have been used as colours in ceramic glazes, in lightbulb filaments, in photography, and as dyes and mordants.

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 radioactive chemical element of the actinoid series of the periodic table, atomic number 92. It is an important nuclear fuel.

      Uranium constitutes about two parts per million of the Earth's crust. Some important uranium minerals are pitchblende, uraninite, carnotite, autunite, and torbernite. These and other recoverable uranium ores, as sources of nuclear fuels, contain many times more energy than all the known recoverable deposits of fossil fuels. One pound of uranium yields as much energy as three million pounds of coal.

       UraniumFor additional information about uranium ore deposits, as well as coverage of mining, refining, and recovery techniques, see uranium processing. For comparative statistical data on uranium production, see table (Uranium).

      Uranium is a dense, hard metallic element that is silvery-white in colour. It is ductile, malleable, and capable of taking a high polish. In air the metal tarnishes and when finely divided breaks into flames. It is a poor conductor of electricity. Though discovered (1789) by Martin Heinrich Klaproth (Klaproth, Martin Heinrich), who named it after the then recently discovered planet Uranus, the metal itself was first isolated (1841) by Eugène-Melchior Péligot by the reduction of uranium tetrachloride (UCl4) with potassium.

      The formulation of the periodic system by the Russian chemist Dmitry Mendeleyev (Mendeleyev, Dmitry Ivanovich) in 1869 focused attention on uranium as the heaviest of the elements, a position that it held until the discovery of the first transuranium element in 1940. In 1896 the French physicist Henri Becquerel (Becquerel, Henri) discovered in uranium the phenomenon of radioactivity, a property that was later found in many other elements. It is now known that uranium, radioactive in all its isotopes, consists naturally of a mixture of uranium-238 (99.27 percent, 4,510,000,000-year half-life), uranium-235 (0.72 percent, 713,000,000-year half-life), and uranium-234 (0.006 percent, 247,000-year half-life). These long half-lives make determinations of the age of the Earth possible by measuring the amounts of lead, uranium's ultimate decay product, in certain uranium-containing rocks. Uranium-238 is the parent and uranium-234 one of the daughters in the radioactive uranium decay series; uranium-235 is the parent of the actinium decay series. See also actinide element.

      The element uranium became the subject of intense study and broad interest after Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann discovered in late 1938 the phenomenon of nuclear fission in uranium bombarded by slow neutrons. Enrico Fermi suggested (early 1939) that neutrons might be among the fission products and could thus continue the fission as a chain reaction. Leo Szilard, Herbert L. Anderson, Frédéric Joliot-Curie, and their coworkers confirmed (1939) this prediction; later investigation showed that an average of 21/2 neutrons per atom are released during fission. Those discoveries led to the first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction (Dec. 2, 1942), the first atomic bomb test (July 16, 1945), the first atomic bomb dropped in warfare (Aug. 6, 1945), the first atomic-powered submarine (1955), and the first full-scale nuclear-powered electrical generator (1957).

      Fission occurs with slow neutrons in the relatively rare isotope uranium-235 (the only naturally occurring fissile material), which must be separated from the plentiful isotope uranium-238 for its various uses. Uranium-238, however, after absorbing neutrons and undergoing negative beta decay, becomes the synthetic element plutonium, which is fissile with slow neutrons. Natural uranium, therefore, can be used in converter and breeder reactors, in which fission is sustained by the rare uranium-235 and plutonium is manufactured at the same time by the transmutation of uranium-238. Fissile uranium-233 can be synthesized for use as a nuclear fuel from the nonfissile thorium isotope thorium-232, which is abundant in nature. Uranium is also important as the primary material from which the synthetic transuranium elements have been prepared by transmutation reactions.

      Uranium, which is strongly electropositive, reacts with water; it dissolves in acids but not in alkalies. The important oxidation states are +4 (as in the oxide UO2 and the green ion U4+) and +6 (as in the oxide UO3 and the yellow uranyl ion UO22+). It also exhibits a +3 and a +5 state, but the respective ions are unstable (the red U3+ and the UO2+ ion, which undergoes disproportionation to U4+ and UO22+).

      Uranium compounds are used as colouring agents for ceramics. Uranium hexafluoride (UF6) in the vapour state is used in the gas-diffusion method of separating uranium-235 from uranium-238.

atomic number
atomic weight
melting point
1,132.3° C (2,070.1° F)
boiling point
3,818° C (6,904° F)
specific gravity
oxidation states
+3, +4, +5, +6
electronic config.

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Universalium. 2010.

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