- upper air
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
upper air — Meteorol. the atmosphere above the lower portion of the troposphere. Cf. upper atmosphere. [1875 80] * * * upper air or upper atmosphere, the stratosphere and ionosphere … Useful english dictionary
upper-air observation — A measurement of atmospheric conditions aloft, above the effective range of a surface weather observation. Also called sounding and upper air sounding. This is a general term, but it is usually applied to those observations used in the analysis… … Aviation dictionary
upper-air disturbance — A disturbance of the flow pattern in the upper air, particularly one developed more strongly aloft than near the ground. Also known as an upper level disturbance … Aviation dictionary
upper-air chart — A chart used for forecasting and showing the wind pattern and pressures at 40,000, 35,000, 30,000, 18,000, 10,000, and 5000 ft above mean sea level (200, 250, 300, 500, 700, and 850 hectopascals). Contours are drawn at intervals of 200 ft (60 m)… … Aviation dictionary
upper air — In synoptic meteorology and in weather observation, the portion of the atmosphere that is above the lower troposphere. No distinct lower limit is set, but the term is generally applied to the levels above 5000 ft AMSL (above mean sea level) or… … Aviation dictionary
Air Force Security Forces — AFSC Enlisted: 3P0X1, Officer: 31PX) (formerly named Air Police, then Security Police; colloquially called cops by USAF personnel), are the military police of the United States Air Force. Airmen in this field go through 13 weeks of initial… … Wikipedia
Air Jordan — Not to be confused with Jordanian Airlines. The Jumpman logo is used by Nike to promote the Air Jordan brand. Air Jordan(s), also known simply as Jordans, are a brand of shoes and athletic apparel produced by Nike originally designed for and… … Wikipedia
Air rights — An example of air rights in use: the newly constructed high rise building extends over the 4 story buildings in Manhattan Air rights are a type of development right in real estate, referring to the empty space above a property. Generally speaking … Wikipedia
upper atmosphere — Meteorol. the portion of the atmosphere above the troposphere. Cf. upper air. [1890 95] * * * upper atmosphere noun The region of the atmosphere above about 20 miles from the earth • • • Main Entry: ↑up * * * upper air or upper atmosphere, the… … Useful english dictionary
Air Force Special Operations Weather Technician — U.S. Air Force Special Operations Weather Team U.S. Air Force Special Operations Weather Team Specialist flash with crest … Wikipedia