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unsuggestive — [spelling only] … English World dictionary
unsuggestive — adjective Not suggestive … Wiktionary
unsuggestive — un·suggestive … English syllables
unsuggestive — adj. not suggestive … Useful english dictionary
arid — a. 1. Dry, dried up, parched with heat, parched, unfertile, barren, sterile. 2. Dry, uninteresting, dull, pointless, jejune, unsuggestive, barren, infecund … New dictionary of synonyms
barren — a. 1. Unprolific, sterile, childless, infecund, incapable of bearing offspring. 2. Destitute of fruit, sterile, acarpous. 3. Unfertile, unproductive, sterile, poor, bare. 4. Ineffectual, uninstructive, unsuggestive, infecund, leading to nothing,… … New dictionary of synonyms
arid — adj 1. parched, extremely dry, thirsty, moistureless, waterless, Chem. anhydrous; droughty, without rain, torrid, burning; baked, roasted, toasted, burnt; scorched, singed, charred, blistered; dried up, withered, sere, shriveled, shrunken;… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
barren — adj 1. childless, sterile, infertile, unpro lific, infecund, agenetic, unprocreant, Bot. acarpous, (of cows) farrow, impotent, effete. 2. unproductive, unyielding, unfructuous, unfruitful, fruitless; uncultivable, uncultivatable, fallow;… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder