- unenlarged
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
unenlarged — |ən+ adjective 1. : not enlarged upon : kept brief leave the notice unenlarged Elizabeth B. Browning 2. : narrow, illiberal a man of unenlarged views 3. : not enlarged : not larger or greater than formerly … Useful english dictionary
unenlarged — adj. not enlarged, not made larger … English contemporary dictionary
unenlarged — un·enlarged … English syllables
spiny lobster — noun Date: 1819 any of several edible crustaceans (family Palinuridae, especially genus Panulirus) distinguished from true lobsters by the simple unenlarged first pair of legs and claws and the spiny carapace … New Collegiate Dictionary
Mars hoax — The Mars hoax was an e mail circulated hoax that originated in 2003, claiming that Mars will look as large as the full Moon to the naked eye on August 27, 2003. The hoax, which has since resurfaced in every year from 2005 2011, stemmed from a… … Wikipedia
narrow-minded — [adj] biased, intolerant bigoted, conservative, conventional, hidebound, illiberal, insular, narrow, opinionated, parochial, petty, prejudiced, provincial, reactionary, shortsighted, small minded, strait laced, unenlarged; concepts 403,542 Ant.… … New thesaurus