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undurable — Synonyms and related words: brittle, capricious, changeable, corruptible, deciduous, dying, ephemeral, evanescent, fading, fickle, fleeting, flitting, fly by night, flying, fragile, frail, fugacious, fugitive, impermanent, impetuous, impulsive,… … Moby Thesaurus
undurable — un·durable … English syllables
undurable — “+ adjective : not durable … Useful english dictionary
brittle — Synonyms and related words: atrophied, breakable, brittle as glass, capricious, changeable, cheap jack, cobwebby, corruptible, crackable, crisp, crispy, crumbly, crump, crushable, dainty, deciduous, delicate, delicately weak, desiccated, dried up … Moby Thesaurus
capricious — Synonyms and related words: adrift, afloat, agnostic, aimless, alternating, ambiguous, ambitendent, ambivalent, amorphous, arbitrary, at loose ends, brittle, broken, careening, careless, casual, catchy, chancy, changeable, changeful, changing,… … Moby Thesaurus
changeable — Synonyms and related words: able to adapt, adaptable, adjustable, adrift, afloat, agnostic, alterable, alterative, altered, alternating, ambiguous, ambitendent, ambivalent, amorphous, at loose ends, better, bland, brittle, capricious, chancy,… … Moby Thesaurus
corruptible — Synonyms and related words: approachable, bribable, brittle, buyable, capricious, changeable, corrupt, deciduous, dying, ephemeral, evanescent, fading, fickle, fixable, fleeting, flitting, fly by night, flying, fragile, frail, fugacious, fugitive … Moby Thesaurus
deciduous — Synonyms and related words: arborary, arboreal, arboreous, arborescent, arboresque, arborical, arboriform, brittle, bushlike, bushy, capricious, changeable, citrous, collapsing, coniferous, corruptible, declining, declivitous, decurrent,… … Moby Thesaurus
dying — Synonyms and related words: abatement, abridgment, alleviation, annihilation, attenuation, bad, bane, biological death, brittle, burning out, burnout, capricious, cessation of life, changeable, choking, clinical death, comedown, contraction,… … Moby Thesaurus
ephemeral — Synonyms and related words: brief, brittle, capricious, changeable, corruptible, deciduous, dying, episodic, evanescent, evergreen, fading, fickle, fleeting, flitting, fly by night, flying, fragile, frail, fugacious, fugitive, half hardy, hardy,… … Moby Thesaurus