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hydrogeological research — hidrogeologinis tyrimas statusas Aprobuotas sritis geologija apibrėžtis Žemės gelmių tyrimas, kai įvertinamos vandeningųjų sluoksnių filtracinės savybės, jų mitybos ir iškrovos sritys, slūgsojimo sąlygos, cheminė požeminio vandens sudėtis ir… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
hydrogeological test well — tiriamasis hidrogeologinis gręžinys statusas Aprobuotas sritis geologija apibrėžtis Gręžinys, skirtas vietos geologinėms ir hidrogeologinėms sąlygoms įvertinti, hidrogeologiniams parametrams nustatyti, vandens mėginiams imti. Atlikus būtinus… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
hydrogeological technologist — hidrogeologijos technologas statusas T sritis profesijos apibrėžtis Technologas, kuris dalyvauja požeminio vandens paieškose, įvertinant telkinių apimtį ir juos eksploatuojant. Jis atlieka techninio pobūdžio darbus, susijusius su vandeningųjų… … Inžinieriai, technikai ir technologai. Trikalbis aiškinamasis žodynėlis
hydrogeological — adjective Of or pertaining to hydrogeology See Also: hydrogeologic … Wiktionary
hydrogeology — hydrogeological /huy dreuh jee euh loj i keuhl/, hydrogeologic, adj. hydrogeologist, n. /huy droh jee ol euh jee/, n. the science dealing with the occurrence and distribution of underground water. Also called hydrology, geohydrology. [1815 25;… … Universalium
Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System — The Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System (NSAS) is the world’s largest known fossil water aquifer system. It is located underground in the Eastern end of the Sahara Desert and spans the political boundaries of four countries in north eastern… … Wikipedia
ZOOMQ3D — is a numerical finite difference model, which simulates groundwater flow in aquifers. The program is used by hydrogeologists to investigate groundwater resources and to make predictions about possible future changes in their quantity and quality … Wikipedia
Putna River (Siret) — Geobox River name =Putna River native name = other name = other name1 = image size = image caption = country type = Countries state type = region type = district type = Counties city type = Villages country = Romania country1 = state = state1 =… … Wikipedia
Nubian Sandstone — refers to a variety of sedimentary rocks deposited on the Precambrian Basement in the eastern Sahara, north east Africa and Arabia. It consist of continental sandstones with thin beds of marine limestones, and marls. Nubian sandstone was… … Wikipedia
Meleke — in the Western Wall, Jerusalem Meleke (Arabic: ملكي, royal , kingly ) also transliterated melekeh or malaki is a lithologic type of white, coarsely crystalline, thickly bedded limestone found in the Judean Hills in Israel and the … Wikipedia