
Hum·phrey (hŭmʹfrē, hŭmpʹ-), Doris. 1895-1958.
American dancer and choreographer known for developing techniques of fall and recovery.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Humphrey, Doris — born Oct. 17, 1895, Oak Park, Ill., U.S. died Dec. 29, 1958, New York, N.Y. U.S. dancer and modern dance choreographer. She was a member of the Denishawn troupe from 1917 to 1928, when she left to cofound, with Charles Weidman, a school and… …   Universalium

  • Humphrey, Doris — (17 oct. 1895, Oak Park, Ill., EE.UU.–29 dic. 1958, Nueva York, N.Y.). Bailarina y coreógrafa de danza moderna estadounidense. Perteneció a la compañía Denishawn de 1917 a 1928, año en que junto con Charles Weidman cofundaron una escuela y un… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Doris Humphrey — Humphrey and dance partner Doris Batcheller Humphrey (October 17, 1895 – December 29, 1958) was a dancer and choreographer of the early twentieth century. Humphrey was born in Oak Park, Illinois but grew up in Chicago, Illinois. She was the… …   Wikipedia

  • Humphrey-Weidman — is a modern dance technique based on the theory and action of fall and recovery. It originated in 1928 when Doris Humphrey and Charles Weidman broke away from the Denishawn school and moved to New York City. There they pioneered modern dance in… …   Wikipedia

  • Doris — o Dóride es el nombre de varios personajes de la mitología griega: 1. Una oceánide, hija por tanto de Oceano y Thetys, y una de las diosas especialmente asociadas al mar. Estaba casada con su hermano Nereo, con quien tuvo a Glauco y a 50 hijas… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Humphrey — /hum free/, n. 1. (Duke of Gloucester) 1391 1447, English soldier and statesman (youngest son of Henry IV). 2. Doris, 1895 1958, U.S. dancer, choreographer, and teacher. 3. Hubert H(oratio), 1911 78, U.S. politician: vice president 1965 69. 4. a… …   Universalium

  • Doris — /dawr is, dohr , dor /, n. 1. an ancient region in central Greece: the earliest home of the Dorians. 2. a region in SW Asia Minor, on the coast of Caria: Dorian settlements. /dawr is, dohr , dor /, n. 1. Class. Myth. the wife of Nereus and mother …   Universalium

  • Humphrey — (as used in expressions) Bogart, Humphrey (DeForest) Gilbert, Sir Humphrey Humphrey, Doris Humphrey, Hubert H(oratio) Noyes, John Humphrey …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Doris Humphrey — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Doris Batcheller Humphrey (17 de octubre, 1895, Oak Park, Illinois 29 de diciembre, 1958, Nueva York) fue una coreógrafa y bailarina de danza moderna estadounidense. Durante varios años el mexicano José Limón bailó… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Doris Humphrey — Doris Batcheller Humphrey (* 17. Oktober 1895 in Oak Park; † 29. Dezember 1958) war eine moderne Tänzerin in den USA. Leben Ihr Vater war Journalist und vorher als Hotelmanager tätig, die Mutter Pianistin. Zu ihren Vorfahren gehörten Pilger aus… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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