
ullaged, adj.
/ul"ij/, n.
1. the amount by which the contents fall short of filling a container, as a cask or bottle.
2. the quantity of wine, liquor, or the like, remaining in a container that has lost part of its contents by evaporation, leakage, or use.
3. Rocketry. the volume of a loaded tank of liquid propellant in excess of the volume of the propellant; the space provided for thermal expansion of the propellant and the accumulation of gases evolved from it.
[1400-50; late ME < AF ulliage; OF ouillage, (h)eullage wine needed to fill a cask, equiv. to (a)ouill(er) to fill (a cask) (deriv. of ouil eye, hole < L oculus) + -age -AGE]

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  • Ullage — refers to the unfilled space in a container of liquid.EtymologyThe word comes ultimately from the Latin oculus, “eye”, which was used in a figurative sense by the Romans for the bung hole of a barrel. This was taken into French in the medieval… …   Wikipedia

  • ullage — UK US /ˈʌlɪdʒ/ noun [C or U] PRODUCTION, MEASURES ► the space in a closed container of liquid that is not filled by the liquid: »Most wines are bottled for immediate consumption, and the ullage should be small. »The requirement to determine… …   Financial and business terms

  • Ullage — Ul lage (?; 48), n. [OF. eullage, ovillage, the filling up of a cask, fr. ouillier, oillier, euillier, to fill a wine cask; properly, to add oil to prevent evaporation, as to a flask that is nearly full, fr. OF. oile oil. See {Oil}.] (Com.) The… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ullage — index deficiency Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • ullage — (n.) amount by which a cask or bottle falls short of being full, late 15c., from Anglo Fr. ulliage (early 14c.), Anglo L. oliagium (late 13c.), O.Fr. ouillage, from ouiller to fill up (a barrel) to the bung, lit. to fill to the eye, from ueil eye …   Etymology dictionary

  • ullage — ► NOUN 1) the amount by which a container falls short of being full. 2) loss of liquid by evaporation or leakage. ORIGIN from Old French euillier fill up , from Latin oculus eye (with reference to a container s bunghole) …   English terms dictionary

  • ullage — [ul′ij] n. [ME ulage < Anglo Fr ulliage < OFr ouillage, a filling up to the brim or the bunghole < ouiller, to fill (a cask) to the bunghole < ueil, an eye, fig. bunghole < L oculus, an EYE] the amount by which a container, esp. of …   English World dictionary

  • Ullage — Unter Ullage (englisch u. a. für Freiraum , Füllstand bis Tankdecke ) versteht man in der Seeschifffahrt den freien Raum zwischen der Oberfläche einer Flüssigkeit in einem Tank und dem oberen Abschluss des Tanks. Analog bezeichnet Ullage auch den …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • ullage — [15] Ullage denotes the amount of unfilled space in a wine bottle or barrel. It goes back ultimately to Latin oculus ‘eye’ (a distant relative of English eye), in the metaphorical sense ‘bung hole of a barrel’. As the word passed into Old French… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • ullage — /ˈʌlɪdʒ/ (say ulij) noun 1. the amount by which the contents of a container, tank, ship, etc., fall short of filling it. 2. the loss of wine or the like from its container by reason of leakage or evaporation. 3. Aeronautics the volume of a full… …  

  • ullage — [15] Ullage denotes the amount of unfilled space in a wine bottle or barrel. It goes back ultimately to Latin oculus ‘eye’ (a distant relative of English eye), in the metaphorical sense ‘bung hole of a barrel’. As the word passed into Old French… …   Word origins

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