
/yooh lek"suyt/, n.
a mineral, hydrous sodium and calcium borate, NaCaB5O9·8H2O, occurring in arid regions in the form of white acicular crystals: a major source of borax.
[1865-70; named after George L. Ulex, German chemist; see -ITE1]

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      borate mineral, NaCaB5O6(ΟH)6·5H2O, that consists of hydrated sodium and calcium borate. Individual crystals are colourless and have a vitreous lustre, whereas the more common nodular, rounded, or lenslike crystal aggregates (often resembling cotton balls) are white and have a silky or satiny lustre. It is sometimes calledtelevision rockorTV rockfor its fibre-optical properties.

      Ulexite is found in arid regions, where it may be derived from boron leached from sediments and pyroclastic rocks by circulating waters. Typical occurrences are in saline playas (dry lakes) and marshes, as in Esmeralda county, Nevada; in Death Valley and the Kramer district, California; in the nitrate region of Chile, where it is widespread; and in Canada's Maritime provinces. For detailed physical properties, see borate mineral (table).

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  • ulexite — noun Etymology: George L. Ulex died 1883 German chemist Date: 1867 a soft mineral consisting of a hydrous borate of sodium and calcium and usually occurring in loose masses of white fibers …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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