
/tway"blayd'/, n.
any of various orchids, esp. of the genera Listera and Liparis, characterized by two nearly opposite broad leaves.
[1570-80; dial. tway (apocopated form of OE twegen TWAIN) + BLADE]

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      any member of either of two genera of orchids, family Orchidaceae: Liparis and Listera. Liparis, also known as false twayblade, with about 320 species, is distributed worldwide. Each plant has broad, paired leaves, and most have dull-coloured, purplish flowers borne in a terminal spike. The flowers of the large twayblade (Liparis lilifolia) of eastern North America have thin, slender side petals and a broad lip. The fen orchid (Liparis loeselii) is a similar species found in northern Eurasia.

      Listera, with about 20 north-temperate species, also is characterized by broad, paired leaves. Each flower has a large, forked lip. The common twayblade (Listera ovata) found throughout Eurasia has small green flowers and broad, egg-shaped leaves. All species of Listera have an unusual pollination mechanism by which pollen grains are glued to a visiting insect with an explosive force. The frightened insect then leaves and transfers the pollen to the next flower it visits. A common twayblade usually does not flower until its 10th year but may reproduce vegetatively by means of buds along the roots. The lesser twayblade (Listera cordata), also widespread in Eurasia, has heart-shaped leaves.

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Universalium. 2010.

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