
Tutuilan, adj., n.
/tooh'tooh ee"leuh/, n.
the largest of the islands of American Samoa: excellent harbor at Pago Pago. 27,000; 53 sq. mi. (137 sq. km).

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      largest island in American Samoa, south-central Pacific Ocean. It lies about 1,600 miles (2,600 km) northeast of New Zealand. About 18 miles (30 km) long and 6 miles (10 km) across at its widest point, the island has an area of 52 square miles (135 square km). It has a densely wooded, broken, mountainous backbone culminating in Mount Matafao (2,142 feet [653 m]). Numerous deep valleys descend to a fertile coastal strip. A collective family economy prevails, but the island is no longer self-sufficient in food staples. Taro, bananas, coconuts, and other fruits are grown. The island's export trade is based on canned tuna, copra, and local handicrafts. The harbour of the chief town, Pago Pago, is one of the best in the Pacific. There is an airport on the western portion of the island. Pop. (1980) 30,124; (1990) 45,043.

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Universalium. 2010.

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