
/terrn"puyk'/, n.
1. a high-speed highway, esp. one maintained by tolls.
2. (formerly) a barrier set across such a highway to stop passage until a toll has been paid; tollgate.
[1375-1425; late ME turnepike road barrier (in def. 1, short for turnpike road). See TURN, PIKE2]

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  • Turnpike — Turn pike , n. [Turn + pike.] 1. A frame consisting of two bars crossing each other at right angles and turning on a post or pin, to hinder the passage of beasts, but admitting a person to pass between the arms; a turnstile. See {Turnstile}, 1.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • turnpike — (n.) early 15c., spiked road barrier used for defense, from TURN (Cf. turn) + PIKE (Cf. pike) (n.2) shaft. Sense transferred to horizontal cross of timber, turning on a vertical pin (1540s), which were used to bar horses from foot roads. This led …   Etymology dictionary

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  • turnpike — index causeway Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

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  • turnpike — ► NOUN 1) historical a toll gate. 2) historical a road on which a toll was collected. 3) US a motorway on which a toll is charged. ORIGIN originally denoting a spiked barrier fixed across a road as a defence against sudden attack: from PIKE(Cf.… …   English terms dictionary

  • turnpike — [tʉrn′pīk΄] n. [ME turnpyke, a spiked barrier across a road: see TURN & PIKE4] 1. Historical a turnstile 2. TOLLGATE 3. a toll road, esp. one that is an expressway …   English World dictionary

  • turnpike — n. (AE) toll express way 1) (to travel) by turnpike 2) (to drive) on a turnpike * * * [ tɜːnpaɪk] (AE) [ toll expressway ] (to travel) by turnpike (to drive) on a turnpike …   Combinatory dictionary

  • turnpike — turn|pike [ˈtə:npaık US ˈtə:rn ] n [Date: 1700 1800; Origin: turnpike road (18 20 centuries), from turnpike turning post with sharp points fixed into it, used to control movement past it (15 18 centuries), from turn + PIKE4] AmE a large road for… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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