
/tsong"geuh/, n.
a Bantu language spoken in Mozambique, Zambia, and South Africa.
Also, Thonga, Tonga.

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also spelled  Thonga  

      culturally similar Bantu-speaking peoples inhabiting the southern coastal plain of Mozambique, parts of Zimbabwe and Swaziland, and the Transvaal of South Africa. They numbered some 4.6 million in the late 20th century.

      The Tsonga were formerly organized as independent peoples, each occupying its own territory and named for a powerful, dominant patrilineage. Early in the 19th century, however, they were conquered by other Nguni-speaking peoples.

      Tsonga economy is based on mixed agriculture and pastoralism. Cassava is the staple; corn (maize), millet, sorghum, and other crops are also grown. Women do much of the agricultural work, although some men grow cash crops. Most Tsonga now depend on wage labour for cash, many migrating to Zimbabwe or South Africa to find work.

      The settlement pattern is characterized by scattered villages of mud and wattle huts, each village being occupied by members of a patrilineage; descent, succession, and inheritance are also patrilineal. Polygyny is common, and a bride-price is paid. A man's livestock is apportioned among his wives for their support and for eventual inheritance by the children of each household. Widows are supported by males of the dead husband's lineage.

      Although many Tsonga are Christian, many also adhere to their own traditional religion, which entails constant attention to the propitiation of ancestral spirits. Illness and other misfortunes are usually attributed to the breaking of a taboo, to the anger of an ancestor, or to sorcery.

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