Trophallaxis — is the transfer of food or other fluids among members of a community through mouth to mouth (stomodeal) or anus to mouth (proctodeal) feeding. It is most highly developed in social insects such as ants, termites, wasps and bees. The word was… … Wikipedia
Trophallaxis — (selten auch Trophalaxis geschrieben) ist die zoologische Bezeichnung für die Weitergabe von erbrochener Nahrung von einem Tier zum anderen. Sie ist bei sozialen Insekten wie zum Beispiel Ameisen besonders hoch entwickelt. Hier speichern… … Deutsch Wikipedia
trophallaxis — [träf΄ə lak′sis] n. pl. trophallaxes [träf΄ə lak′sēz΄] [ModL < Gr trophē, nourishment (see TROPHIC) + allaxis, barter < allassein, to exchange < allos, other: see ELSE] the exchange of regurgitated food, glandular secretions, etc. among… … English World dictionary
trophallaxis — noun Etymology: New Latin, from troph + Greek allaxis exchange, from allassein to change, exchange, from allos other more at else Date: 1918 exchange of food (as from special glands) between social insects (as ants or termites) … New Collegiate Dictionary
trophallaxis — n. [Gr. trophe, food; allaxis, exchange] (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) The mutual or unilateral exchange of alimentary canal liquid, from the mouth or anus, among colony members of social insects or guests; trophobiosis; trophallactic adj … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
trophallaxis — noun The mutual exchange of food between individuals, especially in social insects … Wiktionary
trophallaxis — troph·al·lax·is … English syllables
trophallaxis — troph•al•lax•is [[t]ˌtrɒf əˈlæk sɪs, ˌtroʊ fə [/t]] n. pl. lax•es [[t] ˈlæk siz[/t]] ent the exchange of nutriments or other secretions between organisms, as the members of a colony of social insects • Etymology: 1915–20; troph + Gk állaxis… … From formal English to slang
trophallaxis — /trɒfəˈlæksəs/ (say trofuh laksuhs) noun (plural trophallaxes /trɒfəˈlæksiz/ (say trofuh lakseez)) (among social insects) a method of feeding and communication by the mutual exchange of regurgitated food. {troph(o) + Greek allaxis exchange}… …
trophallaxis — … Useful english dictionary