
triphthongal /trif thawng"geuhl, -thong"-, trip-/, adj.
/trif"thawng, -thong, trip"-/, n.
1. Phonet. a monosyllabic speech-sound sequence perceived as being made up of three differing vowel qualities, as the pronunciation of our, esp. in r-dropping dialects.
2. (not in technical use) a trigraph.
[1590-1600; < NL triphthongus < MGk tríphthongos with three vowels, equiv. to tri- TRI- + phthóngos voice, sound]

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  • triphthong — noun Etymology: tri + phthong (as in diphthong) Date: circa 1599 1. a phonological unit consisting of three successive vocalic sounds in one syllable 2. trigraph • triphthongal adjective …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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  • triphthong — noun A monosyllabic vowel combination usually involving a quick but smooth movement from one vowel to another that passes over a third one …   Wiktionary

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