
/tree'euh lay", truy"euh lit/, n.
a short poem of fixed form, having a rhyme scheme of ab, aa, abab, and having the first line repeated as the fourth and seventh lines, and the second line repeated as the eighth.
[1645-55; < F: lit., little trio]

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Middle Frenchclover leaf

      medieval French verse form that consists of eight short lines rhyming ABaAabAB (the capital letters indicate lines that are repeated). The name triolet is taken from the three repetitions of the first line. The great art of the triolet consists in using the refrain line with naturalness and ease and in each repetition slightly altering its meaning, or at least its relation to the rest of the poem. The triolet is preserved in many modern European literatures, especially for light and humorous verse.

      Probably invented in the 13th century, the triolet was cultivated as a serious form by such medieval French (French literature) poets as Adenet le Roi and Jean Froissart. Although its popularity declined in the 15th and 16th centuries, the triolet was revived in the 17th century by Jean de La Fontaine and in the 19th century by Alphonse Daudet and Théodore de Banville. Triolets are innumerable in French literature and are frequently used in newspapers to give a point and brightness to a brief stroke of satire.

      The earliest triolets in English (English literature) are those of a devotional nature composed in 1651 by Patrick Cary, a Benedictine monk, at Douai, France. Reintroduced into English by Robert Bridges in 1873, the triolet has since been cultivated widely in that language, most successfully by Austin Dobson, whose five-partRose-Leavesis a masterpiece of ingenuity and easy grace. The first stanza, entitledA Kiss,” reads as follows:

Rose kissed me to-day.
Will she kiss me to-morrow?
Let it be as it may,
Rose kissed me to-day,
But the pleasure gives way
To a savour of sorrow;—
Rose kissed me to-day,—
Will she kiss me to-morrow?

      In Germany, anthologies (German literature) of triolets were published at Halberstadt in 1795 and at Brunswick in 1796. Frederich Rassmann made collections in 1815 and 1817 in which he distinguished three species of triolet: the legitimate form; the loose triolet, which only approximately abides by the rules as to number of rhymes and lines; and the single-strophe poem, which more or less accidentally approaches the true triolet in character. The true form was employed particularly by German Romantic poets of the early 19th century.

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