- trigraph
/truy"graf, -grahf/, n.[1830-40; TRI- + -GRAPH]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Trigraph — Tri graph, n. [Pref. tri + graph.] Three letters united in pronunciation so as to have but one sound, or to form but one syllable, as ieu in adieu; a triphthong. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
trigraph — [trī′graf΄] n. [ TRI + GRAPH] a group of three letters representing one sound (Ex.: pph in Sappho) … English World dictionary
Trigraph — Ein Trigraph ist eine Folge von drei Symbolen, zum Beispiel Buchstaben oder Zahlen. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Sprachwissenschaft 2 Programmiersprache C 3 Einzelnachweise 4 Weblinks … Deutsch Wikipedia
Trigraph — A trigraph (from the Greek words tria = three and grapho = write) is a group of three symbols, most commonly letters.Trigraphs are used in several fields, and for several purposes. Among them are* In computing: ** A C trigraph, a character… … Wikipedia
trigraph — noun Date: circa 1836 1. three letters spelling a single consonant, vowel, or diphthong < eau of beau is a trigraph > 2. a cluster of three successive letters < the, ion, and ing are high frequency trigraphs > • trigraphic adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
trigraph — n. (also trigram) 1 a group of three letters representing one sound. 2 a figure of three lines. * * * trigraph (ˈtraɪgrɑːf, æ ) [f. Gr. τρι tri + γραϕή writing, drawing.] A combination of three letters denoting a simple sound, as eau in F. beau,… … Useful english dictionary
Trigraph (orthography) — A trigraph (from the Greek: τρεῖς, treîs, three and γράφω, gráphō, write ) is a group of three letters used to represent a single sound or a combination of sounds that does not correspond to the written letters combined. For example, in the word… … Wikipedia
Trigraph (Linguistik) — Digraph bezeichnet in der Graphematik zwei Buchstaben, die für eine Lautung stehen. Für mehr als zwei Buchstaben verwendet man Trigraph, Tetragraph und so fort. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Begriffsbestimmung 2 Trigraph, Tetragraph… 3 Verwendung in… … Deutsch Wikipedia
trigraph — noun A group of three letters used to represent a single sound or a combination of sounds that does not correspond to the written letters combined. See Also: triphthong, ligature … Wiktionary
trigraph — [ trʌɪgrα:f] noun a group of three letters representing one sound, for example German sch … English new terms dictionary