- trichuriasis
/trik'euh ruy"euh sis/, n. Pathol.intestinal infestation with the roundworm Trichuris trichiura, producing nausea, abdominal discomfort, and diarrhea, common in tropical areas with poor sanitation.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Trichuriasis — is a parasitic disease caused by infection of the large intestine by a parasite whipworm ( Trichuris trichiura ).Causes, incidence, and risk factorsTrichuriasis is common worldwide (in particular among countries with warm, humid climates) and… … Wikipedia
Trichuriasis — Infection with the human whipworm, a nematode (roundworm) formally known as Trichuris trichiura. The third most common round worm of humans. Occurs worldwide, with infections more frequent in areas with tropical weather and poor sanitation… … Medical dictionary
trichuriasis — n. an infestation of the large intestine by the whipworm, Trichuris trichiura; it occurs principally in humid tropical regions. The infection is acquired by eating food contaminated with the worms eggs. Symptoms, including bloody diarrhoea,… … The new mediacal dictionary
trichuriasis — noun A parasitic disease caused by infection of the large intestine by a whipworm … Wiktionary
Trichuriasis — Trich|u|ri|a|sis auch: Tri|chu|ri|a|sis 〈f.; ; unz.〉 Wurmkrankheit des Menschen, hervorgerufen durch Würmer der Gattung Trichuris [<grch. thrix, Gen. trichos „Haar“ + oura „Schwanz“] * * * Tri|chu|ri|a|sis, die; [zu ↑Trichuris] (Med.):… … Universal-Lexikon
Trichuriasis — Trich|u|ri|a|sis auch: Tri|chu|ri|a|sis 〈f.; Gen.: ; Pl.: unz.; Med.〉 Wurmkrankheit des Menschen, hervorgerufen durch Würmer der Gattung Trichuris [Etym.: <Tricho… + grch. oura »Schwanz«] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
Trichuriasis — Tri|chu|ri|a|sis* die; <zu ↑Trichuris u. ↑...iasis> eine Wurmerkrankung des Menschen (Med.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
trichuriasis — trich·u·ri·a·sis … English syllables
trichuriasis — noun infestation by a roundworm; common in tropical areas with poor sanitation • Hypernyms: ↑infestation * * * /trik euh ruy euh sis/, n. Pathol. intestinal infestation with the roundworm Trichuris trichiura, producing nausea, abdominal… … Useful english dictionary
Трихиуриаз (Trichuriasis) — инвазия толстой кишки власоглавом вида Trichuris trichiura; заболевание распространено в основном в регионах с влажным тропическим климатом. Заражение человека происходит при употреблении им пищи, зараженной яйцами этих нематод. Основными… … Медицинские термины