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tricho — tricho·bezoar; tricho·bilharzia; tricho·phy·tia; tricho·plax; tricho·pore; tricho·stasis; tricho·the·cene; … English syllables
Tricho... — Tricho... (v. gr.), Haar … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
tricho... — tricho... [zu griechisch thríx, trichós »Haar«], vor Vokalen meist verkürzt zu trich..., Wortbildungselement mit den Bedeutungen: 1) Haar, Körperbehaarung, z. B. Trichom; 2) Wimpern, z. B. Trichiasis; 3) haarförmiges Gebilde, z. B. Trichozysten … Universal-Lexikon
tricho- — [trik′ō, trik′ə] [Gr < thrix (gen. trichos), hair] combining form hair, hairlike [trichosis]: also, before a vowel, trich … English World dictionary
tricho- — trich(o) , triche ♦ Éléments, du gr. thrix, trikhos « poil, cheveu ». ⇒TRICH(O) , TRICH(I) , (TRICH , TRICHO , TRICHI )élém. formant Élém. tiré du gr. , « poil, cheveu », entrant dans la constr. de termes sc. dont le signifié a un rapport avec… … Encyclopédie Universelle
tricho- — aff. a combining form meaning “hair”: trichocyst[/ex] • Etymology: < Gk tricho , comb. form of thríx, gen. trichós … From formal English to slang
Tricho-hepato-enteric syndrome — Infobox Disease Name = PAGENAME Caption = Typical facial abnormalities with prominent forehead and cheeks, broad nasal root and wide spaced eyes. Abnormal hairs are woolly, easily removed and poorly pigmented. DiseasesDB = ICD10 = ICD9 = ICDO =… … Wikipedia
tricho- — combining form see trich … New Collegiate Dictionary
Tricho- — Tri|cho [griech. thríx, Gen.: trichós = Haar]: Bestimmungswort von Zus. mit den Bed. »Haar, Behaarung, haarförmig dünn«, z. B. Hypertrichose, Trichomonaden, Trichochrome (rote Haarpigmente) … Universal-Lexikon
tricho- — see trich … Medical dictionary