
/truy ser"euh tops'/, n.
any of various dinosaurs of the genus Triceratops, of the late Cretaceous Period, having a bony crest on the neck, a long horn over each eye, and a shorter horn on the nose.
[1890-95; < NL < Gk trikérat(os) three-horned (see TRI-, CERAT-), + óps face, EYE]

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genus of large, plant-eating ornithischian dinosaurs of the Late Cretaceous Epoch (9965 million years ago).

Triceratopshad a very long skull (some more than 6 ft [1.8 m] long); a large bony frill about the neck; a relatively short, pointed horn on the nose; a beaklike mouth; and two pointed horns, more than 3.3 ft (1 m) long, above the eyes. Adults weighed 45 tons (3.64.5 metric tons) and grew up to 30 ft (9 m) long. The limbs were very stout, and the hind limbs were more massive than the forelimbs.

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dinosaur genus
 large plant-eating dinosaur characterized by a great bony head frill and three horns. Its fossils date to only the last 5 million years of the Late Cretaceous Period (99 million to 65 million years ago), which makes Triceratops one of the last of the dinosaurs to have evolved.

 The massive body measured nearly 9 metres (30 feet) long and must have weighed four to five tons, and the skull alone was sometimes more than two metres long. Each of the two horns above the eyes was longer than a metre. The frill, unlike that of other ceratopsians (ceratopsian), was made completely of solid bone, without the large openings typically seen in ceratopsian frills. The front of the mouth was beaklike and probably effective for nipping off vegetation. The cheek teeth were arranged in powerful groups that could effectively grind plant matter. The hind limbs were larger than the forelimbs, but both sets were very stout. The feet ended in stubby toes probably covered by small hooves. Triceratops was an upland, browsing animal that may have traveled in groups or small herds.

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