
/truy bol"euh jee, tri-/, n.
the study of the effects of friction on moving machine parts and of methods, as lubrication, of obviating them.
[1965-70; TRIBO- + -LOGY]

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Study of the interactions of sliding surfaces.

It includes three subjects: friction, wear, and lubrication. Many manifestations of tribology are beneficial and make modern life possible. Many others are serious nuisances, and careful design is necessary to overcome problems caused by excessive friction or wear. Friction uses up, or wastes, a substantial amount of the energy generated by humans; in addition, a great deal of productive capacity is devoted to replacing objects that have worn out.

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      the study of the interaction of sliding surfaces. It includes three subjects: friction, wear, and lubrication (qq.v.). There is a difficulty in that friction is generally characterized as a branch of physics or mechanical engineering, wear is part of the material science of metallurgy, while lubrication is a branch of chemistry. Tribology is thus a complex interdisciplinary subject.

      The phenomena considered in tribology are among the most fundamental and most common of those encountered by humans in interaction with their largely solid environment. Many manifestations of tribology are beneficial and, indeed, make modern life possible. Many other effects of tribology, however, constitute serious nuisances, and careful design is necessary to overcome the inconvenience arising from excessive friction or wear. On an overall basis, friction uses up, or wastes, a substantial amount of the energy generated by mankind, while a large amount of productive capacity is devoted to replacing objects made useless by wear.

       friction is the resistance to sliding of a solid when the resistance is produced by a contacting body. It is therefore a vital factor in the operation of most mechanisms. High friction is needed for the satisfactory functioning of nuts and bolts, paper clips, and tongs, as well as in the familiar processes of walking, gripping objects manually, and building piles of sand or of apples. Low friction, however, is desired in objects that are designed to move continuously, like engines, skis, and the internal mechanism of watches. Constant friction is required in brakes and clutches, as otherwise unpleasant jerky movement would be produced.

      Friction has been studied as a branch of mechanics for many hundreds of years and its laws, as well as satisfactory methods of estimating the magnitude of friction, have been known for nearly two centuries. The mechanism of friction, namely, the exact process by which energy is lost as two surfaces slip past each other, is understood only in an incomplete way.

       wear is the removal of material from a solid surface as a result of the mechanical action exerted by another solid. It is such a universal phenomenon that rarely do two solid bodies slide over each other or even touch each other without measurable material transfer or material loss. Thus, coins become worn as a result of continued contact with human fingers; pencils become worn after sliding over paper; and rails become worn as a result of the continued rolling of train wheels over them. Only living things (e.g., bone joints) are in general immune to the permanent damage caused by wear because only they have the property of healing through regrowth. And even a few living things do not heal themselves (e.g., teeth in humans).

      The systematic study of wear has been severely hampered by two factors: first, the existence of a number of separate wear processes, which has led to much confusion, especially in terminology; second, the difficulties caused by the small amounts of material involved in wear processes. These difficulties were greatly alleviated when radioactive isotopes of the common engineering metals (iron, copper, chromium, etc.) became available in the 1940s; tracer techniques using these radioisotopes permit measurements of wear, even in small amounts, while it is occurring. This has made it possible to identify types of wear and discover the laws of wear.

      The use of lubricants, namely, substances introduced into the interface between sliding surfaces to diminish friction, is an ancient practice, and Egyptian pictures dating back 4,000 years show the application of lubricants to reduce the friction involved in dragging heavy monuments. In modern lubrication practice, the main concern is to reduce the wear that accompanies sliding and, at the same time, to design lubrication systems that will operate for long periods without inspection or maintenance.

      A large number of different lubricants are in use at any one time, (a single major oil company may market many hundreds of different varieties), and no aspect of tribology receives as much attention as the development and testing of improved lubricants.

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Universalium. 2010.

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