- triacid
1. capable of combining with three molecules of a monobasic acid: a triacid base.2. noting acid salts containing three replaceable hydrogen atoms.[1885-90; TRI- + ACID]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Triacid — Tri*ac id, a. [Pref. tri + acid.] (Chem.) Capable of neutralizing three molecules of a monobasic acid or the equivalent; having three hydrogen atoms which may be acid radicals; said of certain bases; thus, glycerin is a triacid base. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
triacid — TRIACÍD s.n. Corp chimic care posedă trei funcţiuni acide. [< fr. triacide]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 18.04.2008. Sursa: DN TRIACÍD, Ă adj., s. n. (corp chimic) care posedă trei funcţii acide. (< fr. triacide) Trimis de raduborza,… … Dicționar Român
triacid — [trī as′id] adj. 1. capable of reacting with three molecules of a monobasic acid: said of a base 2. containing three replaceable hydrogen atoms: said esp. of an acid … English World dictionary
triacid — tri•ac•id [[t]traɪˈæs ɪd[/t]] adj. 1) chem. capable of combining with three molecules of a monobasic acid: a triacid base[/ex] 2) chem. noting acid salts containing three replaceable hydrogen atoms • Etymology: 1885–90 … From formal English to slang
triacid — /traɪˈæsəd/ (say truy asuhd) adjective 1. capable of combining with three molecules of a monobasic acid: a triacid base. 2. denoting acid salts containing three replaceable hydrogen atoms …
triacid — adjective Capable of combining with three molecules of a monobasic acid … Wiktionary
triacid — tri·ac·id (tri asґid) a base capable of neutralizing three equivalents of monobasic acid … Medical dictionary
triàcid — tri|à|cid Mot Pla Adjectiu variable … Diccionari Català-Català
triacid — tri·acid … English syllables
triacid — I. “+ adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary tri + acid, adjective 1. : able to react with three molecules of a monobasic acid or one of a tribasic acid to form a salt or ester used especially of bases 2. : containing three… … Useful english dictionary