
/trdden"taw/, n.
Italian name of Trent.

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City (pop., 2001 prelim.: 104,844), capital of TrentinoAlto Adige region, on the Adige River in northern Italy.

Reportedly founded by the Raetians с 4th century BC, it later became a Roman colony on the road to the Brenner Pass in the Alps. In the Christian era Trento came under the Ostrogoths, Lombards, and Franks. It was the site of the Council of Trent (154563). It came under the Napoleonic kingdom of Italy in the early 19th century and passed to Austria in 1814 and to Italy in 1918. An agricultural market centre, it also has some light industry.
(as used in expressions)
Trent Council of
Trent River

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Latin  Tridentum , German  Trient , English  Trent 

      city, TrentinoAlto Adige regione, northern Italy. It lies along the Adige River near the mouth of the Brenta River, south of Bolzano. Trento was founded, according to the classical savant Pliny the Elder and the geographer Strabo of Amaseia, by the Raetians, and became a Roman colony and military base on the road north to the Brenner Pass. Its first bishop, St. Vigilius, converted Trentino and the southern Tirol to Christianity in the late 4th to the early 5th century. The seat of a Lombard duchy and later of a Frankish march (borderland), it became a dominion of its prince-bishops in 1027 under Holy Roman imperial patronage and later became famous as the site of the ecumenical Council of Trent (154563). Under French control during the Napoleonic Wars, it passed to Austria in 1814. Trento's population has long been an Italian-speaking one, and after the creation of a unified Italy in the 1860s, the city became a centre of irredentist agitation that was ruthlessly suppressed by the Austrian authorities. Trento became part of Italy in 1918. The city was badly flooded in 1966.

      Important monuments of the Roman period include the remains of a theatre and of town walls. The city's austere cathedral (consecrated 1145) and the churches of Sant' Apollinare and San Lorenzo are in the Romanesque style. Notable Renaissance buildings include numerous mansions, the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore (1520), and the Castello del Buon Consiglio. The latter, dating from the 13th century, served as the seat of the prince-bishops from the 15th century; in 152836 a palace and splendid Renaissance courtyard were added to the castle, which is now a national museum.

      Trento now has light mechanical, textile, printing, tanning, and furniture industries; garden vegetables and fruit are cultivated locally. Pop. (2006 est.) mun., 111,044.

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Universalium. 2010.

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