tree of heaven

tree of heaven
an Asiatic tree, Ailanthus altissima, having large oblong leaves and rank-smelling flowers, often planted as a shade tree. Also called stinkweed.

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Rapid-growing tree (Ailanthus altissima) in the quassia family (Simaroubaceae), native to China and widely naturalized elsewhere, with several known varieties.

Because of its resistance to pollution, freedom from insect predation and disease, and ability to grow in almost any soil, the tree of heaven is planted as a yard and street tree in urban centres. It grows to 60 ft (18 m) or more, producing long, compound leaves that emit an unpleasant odour when bruised. Male trees bear flowers with unpleasant scents. Female trees produce winged fruits which are tannish orange when ripe.

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also called  Copal Tree, or Varnish Tree 

      (Ailanthus altissima), rapid-growing tree, in the family Simaroubaceae, native to China but widely naturalized elsewhere. It has been planted as a yard and street tree in urban centres, because of its resistance to pollution, freedom from insects and disease, and ability to grow in almost any soil.

      The tree of heaven grows to 18 metres (60 feet) or more, producing long, many-parted leaves, which emit a rank odour when bruised. Male trees bear unpleasantly scented flowers. Female trees produce winged fruits, tannish orange when ripe. Several varieties are known, among them A. altissima sutchuenensis, with purplish leaf stalks and whitish underleaf, and A. altissima erythrocarpa, with brilliant red seed clusters.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • tree-of-heaven — tree of heav·en (trēʹəv hĕvʹən) n. A deciduous, rapidly growing tree (Ailanthus altissima) native to China, having sweetish fetid male flowers and widely planted in the United States as a street tree because of its resistance to pollution,… …   Universalium

  • tree of heaven — tree of heav·en hev ən n an Asian tree of the genus Ailanthus (A. glandulosa) widely grown as a shade and ornamental tree and having bark that has been used as a tonic, purgative, and anthelmintic …   Medical dictionary

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  • tree of heaven — noun a tall, fast growing Chinese tree, cultivated as an ornamental and shade tree. [Ailanthus altissima.] …   English new terms dictionary

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