transformational rule

transformational rule
Ling. a rule of transformational grammar that relates two phrase markers in the course of a derivation from the deep to the surface syntactic representation of a sentence, as by reordering, inserting, or deleting elements; a rule that converts deep structures into surface structures.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • transformational rule — transforma′tional rule′ n. ling. a rule in transformational grammar that relates two equivalent structures in converting the underlying form of a sentence into its surface representation, as by reordering, inserting, or deleting elements …   From formal English to slang

  • transformational rule — Ling. a rule of transformational grammar that relates two phrase markers in the course of a derivation from the deep to the surface syntactic representation of a sentence, as by reordering, inserting, or deleting elements; a rule that converts… …   Useful english dictionary

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  • transformational rules — noun a) Rules that modify a well formed structure (in limited ways). b) Rules that take an input and change it in some restricted way to result in a Surface Structure (orS structure). See Also: rule, preference rules, well formedness rules …   Wiktionary

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  • T-rule — /tee roohl /, n. Ling. See transformational rule …   Useful english dictionary

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  • transformation — n. radical change 1) to undergo a transformation 2) a complete, radical, total transformation transformational rule (ling.) 3) to formulate a transformation 4) to apply a transformation 5) to order transformations 6) a dative movement, indirect… …   Combinatory dictionary

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