- trans-Caspian
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
trans-Caspian — trans Cas′pi•an adj … From formal English to slang
Trans-Caspian Gas Pipeline — The Trans Caspian Gas Pipeline (Turkmen: Transhazar turbaly geçiriji) is a proposed submarine pipeline between Türkmenbaşy in Turkmenistan, and Baku in Azerbaijan. By some proposals it will also include connection between Tengiz Field in… … Wikipedia
Trans-Caspian Oil Pipeline — The Trans Caspian Oil Pipeline is a proposed oil pipeline from the Kazakhstani port of Aktau to Baku in Azerbaijan. A 700 kilometers long pipeline, linked with the Baku Tbilisi Ceyhan pipeline in Baku, will allow to transport oil from the major… … Wikipedia
Trans-Caspian railway — The Trans Caspian Railway (also called the Central Asian Railway, Russian: Среднеазиатская железная дорога) is a railway that follows the path of the Silk Road through much of western Central Asia. It was built by the Russian Empire during its… … Wikipedia
trans-Caspian — adj … Useful english dictionary
Caspian pipeline — may refer to:* Caspian Pipeline Consortium, an oil pipeline from Kazakhstan to Russia * Trans Caspian Gas Pipeline, a planned natural gas pipeline from Turkmenistan to Azerbaijan * Trans Caspian Oil Pipeline, a proposed oil pipeline from… … Wikipedia
Caspian Sea — As captured by … Wikipedia
Caspian Sea — a salt lake between SE Europe and Asia: the largest inland body of water in the world. ab. 169,000 sq. mi. (438,000 sq. km); 85 ft. (26 m) below sea level. * * * Inland salt lake between Europe and Asia, bordering Azerbaijan, Russia, Kazakhstan,… … Universalium
Caspian Sea — The Caspian Sea is the world’s largest enclosed body of water, technically categorizing it as a lake. The sea is intercontinental in nature, separating Europe from Asia, with a surface area of 371,000 square kilometers and a maximum depth of 1 … Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation
Trans-Aral Railway — The Trans Aral Railway (also known as the Tashkent Railway) was built in 1906 connecting Orenburg and Tashkent. For the first part of the 20th century it was the only railway connection between European Russia and Central Asia.There were plans to … Wikipedia