- transactinide
noting or pertaining to elements having higher atomic weights than those of the actinide series.[1965-70; TRANS- + ACTINIDE]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
transactinide — ● transactinide nom masculin Nom générique des éléments qui suivent les actinides dans la classification périodique. transactinide n. m. CHIM élément dont le numéro atomique est supérieur à ceux des actinides … Encyclopédie Universelle
transactinide — [trans ak′tə nīd΄, tranzak′tə nīd΄] n. any of the radioactive chemical elements that have atomic numbers higher than the highest actinide (lawrencium): also called transactinide element transactinic [trans΄ak tin′ik] adj … English World dictionary
Transactinide — On qualifie de transactinide tout élément chimique dont le numéro atomique est supérieur à celui du lawrencium (n° 103), le dernier des actinides[1]. Les transactinides sont également appelés éléments superlourds. Ce sont, par définition,… … Wikipédia en Français
transactinide — adjective Date: 1969 of, relating to, or being actual or hypothetical elements with atomic weights higher than those of the actinide series < transactinide chemistry > … New Collegiate Dictionary
Transactinide — Als Transactinoide bezeichnet man die chemischen Elemente mit Ordnungszahlen ab 104. Sie folgen im Periodensystem auf die Actinoide. Alle Transactinoide sind auch gleichzeitig Transurane, da sie Ordnungszahlen größer als die des Urans haben. Bis… … Deutsch Wikipedia
transactinide — I noun any of the artificially produced elements with atomic numbers greater than 103 • Hypernyms: ↑chemical element, ↑element II adjective of or belonging to the elements with atomic numbers greater than 103 * * * /trans ak teuh nuyd , tranz /,… … Useful english dictionary
Transactinide element — In chemistry, transactinide elements are the chemical elements with atomic numbers greater than those of the actinides, the heaviest of which is lawrencium (103). [ [http://www.iupac.org/reports/provisional/abstract04/connelly 310804.html IUPAC… … Wikipedia
transactinide elements — transaktinoidiniai elementai statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Dirbtiniai cheminiai elementai, kurių atominis skaičius ≥ 104 (t. y. esantys už lorensio). atitikmenys: angl. transactinide elements; transactinides rus. трансактинойдные элементы; … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
transactinide — 1. adjective Lying beyond actinium in the periodic table; having an atomic number greater than 103. 2. noun Any of the artificially produced elements having an atomic number greater than 103 … Wiktionary
transactinide — trans•ac•ti•nide [[t]trænsˈæk təˌnaɪd, trænz [/t]] adj. chem. chem. noting or pertaining to elements having higher atomic weights than those of the actinide series • Etymology: 1965–70 … From formal English to slang