Torre del Greco

Torre del Greco
/tawrdd"rdde del grdde"kaw/
a city in SW Italy, near Naples. 98,939.

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      city, western Campania regione (region), southern Italy. It lies at the southwestern foot of Mount Vesuvius (Vesuvius). It is located on the Bay of Naples and is a southeastern suburb of Naples. Two-thirds destroyed by the eruption of Vesuvius in 1631, Torre del Greco was rebuilt on the solidified lava. It suffered further damage in volcanic eruptions of 1737, 1794, and 1861 and during an earthquake of 1857. Essentially a maritime town, it is popular as a bathing resort, and many of its inhabitants are engaged in seafaring and fishing. Industrial development is slight, but the city is known for its craftsmanship in coral and cameo work and has a school of coral carving and a coral museum. Pop. (2004 est.) 89,198.

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Universalium. 2010.

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