
/toh pee", toh"pee/, n., pl. topis.
/toh"pee/, n., pl. topis.
an antelope, Damaliscus lunatus, of east-central Africa, having bluish-black and yellow markings.
[1905-10; said to be < Swahili]

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also called  tsessebe  or  sassaby 

      one of Africa's most common and widespread antelopes (antelope). It is a member of the tribe Alcelaphini (family Bovidae (bovid)), which also includes the blesbok, hartebeest, and wildebeest. Damaliscus lunatus is known as the topi in East Africa and as the sassaby or tsessebe in southern Africa.

      A lean, sleek animal built for sustained speed, the topi looks like a smaller and darker hartebeest, with higher forequarters sloping to lower hindquarters, but it has a less-elongated head and ordinary-looking horns, which are similar in both sexes. The largest populations occur on the vast floodplains of the northern savanna and in adjacent arid zones, notably in southern Sudan where hundreds of thousands of the tiang subspecies (D. lunatus tiang) once migrated in search of green pastures and may still be numerous despite decades of war in that region. Females are about 20 percent smaller but otherwise are similar to males, which average 115 cm (45 inches) high and 130 kg (290 pounds), with horns 3040 cm (1216 inch) long. The tsessebe has weaker, crescent-moon-shaped horns (hence lunatus from the Latin formoon”) and is also the least colourful subspecies. The basic tan coloration with dark blotches on the upper limbs intensifies toward the north and east, with the most colourful coat being the reddish brown of the East African topimade more conspicuous by reverse countershading (lighter above and darker below). Young calves of all varieties are a similar light tan without markings.

      The topi has one of the most variable social and mating systems of all the antelopes. Social systems range from resident small herds to huge migratory aggregations and from large individual territories to breeding arenas, or leks, where males crowd together and compete to inseminate females. However, all the variations are on a territorial theme: males must own property in order to reproduce. In wooded savanna where the preferred open grassland is patchy, males may hold onto territories of 50400 hectares (1251,000 acres) year after year, leaving only to drink or commute to areas where the first vegetation has grown after fires in the dry season. Herds of 210 females and their offspring of the year live in traditional home ranges that may include only a few territories. On wide plains topi often aggregate in hundreds (formerly in thousands) and are mobile, becoming migratory where the distance between wet-season and dry-season feeding grounds is long. There males can only afford to hold temporary territories or risk being left behind; therefore, they join the migration but reestablish a territorial network as soon as the aggregation resettles. During a mating season of about three months, leks are established at high density on wide plains in certain spots regularly occupied or traversed by large aggregations. (Only two other antelopes are known to form leks: the kob and the lechwe.) As many as 100 males may crowd together in an arena, where the central males may be only 25 metres (80 feet) apart. A few of them monopolize matings with the females, which come specifically to mate and are possibly guided to the favoured spot by the scent of their predecessors. Topi females calve toward the end of the dry season. Gestation is eight months, and the single calf hides for up to three weeks.

Richard Estes

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Universalium. 2010.

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