- Tishri
/tish"ree, -ray/, n.the first month of the Jewish calendar. Cf. Jewish calendar.[ < Heb tishri]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
TISHRI — (Heb. תִּשְׁרֵי), the post Exilic name of the seventh month of the Jewish year according to biblical usage which has been retained until the present day even though Tishri is the first month of the chronological year in the current way of dating … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Tishri — [tish rē′, tish′rē] n. [Heb] the first month of the Jewish year: see the Jewish calendar in the Reference Supplement … English World dictionary
Tishri — Le mois de Tishri (héb. תשרי, Tishri, Tishrei ou tisseri) est le premier mois de l’année ecclésiastique, et le septième de l année civile du calendrier hébreu. C est un mois automnal de 30 jours. Le nom de Tishri, d origine akkadienne tašrītu… … Wikipédia en Français
Tishri — noun Etymology: Hebrew tishrī Date: circa 1771 the first month of the civil year or the seventh month of the ecclesiastical year in the Jewish calendar see month table … New Collegiate Dictionary
Tishri — Tish•ri [[t]ˈtɪʃ ri, reɪ[/t]] n. jud the first month of the Jewish calendar • Etymology: < Heb tishrī … From formal English to slang
Tishri (mois) — Tishri Le mois de Tishri (héb. תשרי, Tishri, Tishrei ou tisseri) est le premier mois de l’année ecclésiastique, et le septième de l année civile du calendrier hébreu. C est un mois automnal de 30 jours. Le nom de Tishri, d origine akkadienne… … Wikipédia en Français
Tishri — n. first month of the Jewish calendar … English contemporary dictionary
Tishri — [ tɪʃri:] (also Tisri tɪzri:) noun (in the Jewish calendar) the first month of the civil and seventh of the religious year, usually coinciding with parts of September and October. Origin from Heb. tišrī … English new terms dictionary
tishri — tish·ri … English syllables
Tishri — /tɪʃˈri/ (say tish ree) noun (in the Jewish calendar) the first month of the civil year and the seventh of the ecclesiastical year. {Hebrew} …