third sector

third sector
third-sector, adj.
the segment of a nation's economy that is made up of neither public nor business concerns, as nonprofit health or educational institutions.

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  • third sector — UK US noun [singular] ECONOMICS ► the part of an economy that consists of charities : »Given that the private sector provides public services only where there is a possibility of profit, the third sector of the economy becomes increasingly… …   Financial and business terms

  • third sector — third sector, adj. the segment of a nation s economy that is made up of neither public nor business concerns, as nonprofit health or educational institutions …   Useful english dictionary

  • third sector — (THURD sek.tur; TH as in thin) n. The part of the economy that includes charity and religious work, philanthropy, and volunteerism (cf. public sector and private sector). Example Citation: Governments can t do everything; the private sector can t …   New words

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  • sector — Used to characterize a group of securities that are similar with respect to maturity, type, rating, industry, and/or coupon. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * sector sec‧tor [ˈsektə ǁ ər] noun [countable] …   Financial and business terms

  • third place — (THURD plays; TH as in thin) n. A place other than home or work where a person can go to relax and feel part of the community. third place adj. Example Citation: There s no place like third place. I m not talking about winning and losing here, or …   New words

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