third law of thermodynamics.

third law of thermodynamics.
See under law of thermodynamics (def. 1).

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Third law of thermodynamics — Thermodynamics …   Wikipedia

  • third law of thermodynamics — n LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS (3) * * * see l s of thermodynamics …   Medical dictionary

  • third law of thermodynamics — trečiasis termodinamikos dėsnis statusas T sritis Energetika apibrėžtis Absoliučiojo nulio temperatūroje bet kurios vidinės pusiausvyros būsenos baigtinio tankio grynos medžiagos entropija yra minimali ir ją galima prilyginti nuliui. atitikmenys …   Aiškinamasis šiluminės ir branduolinės technikos terminų žodynas

  • third law of thermodynamics — noun law stating that the entropy of a substance approaches zero as its temperature approaches absolute zero • Hypernyms: ↑law of thermodynamics * * * : law of thermodynamics 3 …   Useful english dictionary

  • third law of thermodynamics. — See under law of thermodynamics (def. 1) …   Useful english dictionary

  • law of thermodynamics — n 1) CONSERVATION OF ENERGY called also first law of thermodynamics 2) a law in physics: mechanical work can be derived from the heat in a body only when the body is able to communicate with another at a lower temperature or all actual… …   Medical dictionary

  • law of thermodynamics — noun (physics) a law governing the relations between states of energy in a closed system • Topics: ↑physics, ↑natural philosophy • Hypernyms: ↑law, ↑law of nature • Hyponyms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • law of thermodynamics — noun 1. first law of thermodynamics, the principle that in a system of constant mass, energy is conserved. 2. second law of thermodynamics, the principle that the entropy of a closed system increases with time. 3. third law of thermodynamics, the …  

  • law of thermodynamics — 1. any of three principles variously stated in equivalent forms, being the principle that the change of energy of a thermodynamic system is equal to the heat transferred minus the work done (first law of thermodynamics), the principle that no… …   Universalium

  • Third law — In physics, there are two laws commonly known as the third law: * Newton s third law of motion * Third law of thermodynamics …   Wikipedia

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