
/thes"pis/, n.
fl. 6th century B.C., Greek poet.

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flourished 6th century BC, Athens

Greek poet, often considered the "inventor of tragedy.

" He is the first recorded winner (с 534 BC) of a prize for tragedy at the Great Dionysia, a drama festival. According to the rhetorician Themistius, Aristotle said that tragedy in its earliest stage was entirely choral until the prologue and speeches were first introduced by Thespis. Thespis, according to Themistius's account, was thus the first "actor," and tragic dialogue began when he exchanged words with the leader of the chorus.

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▪ Greek poet
flourished 6th century BC, Athens

      Greek poet, said to have been born in the deme (district) of Icaria. According to ancient tradition, Thespis was the first actor in Greek drama. He was often called the inventor of tragedy, and his name was recorded as the first to stage a tragedy at the Great (or City) Dionysia (Great Dionysia) (c. 534 BC). Scholars differ on the scanty evidence about Thespis and his role in the development of Greek drama. According to the Greek rhetorician Themistius (4th century AD), Aristotle said that tragedy was entirely choral until Thespis introduced the prologue and the internal speeches. If so, Thespis was the first to interweave choral song with an actor's speeches, and tragic dialogue began when the actor (Thespis) exchanged words with the leader of the chorus (choragus). The four titles and five fragments attributed to Thespis are probably not authentic.

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  • Thespis — [thes′pis] 6th cent. B.C.; Gr. poet: traditionally the originator of Gr. tragedy …   English World dictionary

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