
/ther'euh vah"deuh/, n. Buddhism.
Hinayanist name for Hinayana.

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Major form of Buddhism, prevalent in Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos.

It is the only survivor among the Hinayana schools of Buddhism, and it is generally regarded as the oldest, most orthodox, and most conservative form of Buddhism. It is relatively uninfluenced by other indigenous belief systems. It is believed to have survived intact from the 500 Elders, who followed in the tradition of the monks of the first Buddhist sangha. Theravada has no hierarchical authority structure, though seniority is respected in the sangha. It accepts the Pali canon (see Tripitaka) as authoritative scripture. Theravadins revere the historical Buddha but do not recognize the various celestial buddhas and ancillary gods associated with Mahayana Buddhism.

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PaliWay of the Elders

      major form of Buddhism prevalent in Sri Lanka (Ceylon), Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos.

      Theravada, like all other Buddhist schools, claims to adhere most closely to the original doctrines and practices taught by the Buddha. Theravadins accept as authoritative the Pali canon of ancient Indian Buddhism and trace their sectarian lineage back to the Elders (Sanskrit: Sthaviras; Pali: Theras), who followed in the tradition of the senior monks of the first Buddhist sangha, or community.

      During the early centuries following the death of the Buddha, the community broke up into several sects that, in the beginning, differed little from one another, as far as is known (see eighteen schools). The first separation occurred in the 4th century BCE at the time of the second council, when a group broke away from the Sthaviravadins and became known as the Mahasanghika. A second major schism occurred when the Sarvastivadins (who hold thatall is real”) separated from the Vibhajyavadins (adherents of the Doctrine of Distinctions), presumably the Sthaviravadins. Those Vibhajyavadins that were distributed geographically in southern India and Sri Lanka became known as the Theravadins (the Pali form of Sthaviravadins). During the reign of the emperor Ashoka (3rd century BCE), the Theravada school traveled to Sri Lanka, where it divided into three subgroups, known after their monastic centres as the Mahaviharika, the Abhayagirika, and the Jetavaniya. The Theravada form of Buddhism gradually spread eastward, becoming dominant in Myanmar in the late 11th century and in Cambodia and Laos by the 13th and 14th centuries.

      The ideal of Theravada Buddhism is the arhat (Pali: arahant), or perfected saint, who attains enlightenment as a result of his own efforts. The role of the layman and monk are clearly differentiated by the Theravadins, who do not consider it possible to attain enlightenment while one is living the life of a layman. Theravadins profoundly revere the historical Buddha as a perfected master but do not pay homage to the numerous buddhas and bodhisattvas that are worshiped in the Mahayana.

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Universalium. 2010.

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