
/te"treuh/, n.
any of several tropical, freshwater fishes of the family Characidae, often kept in aquariums.
[1930-35; shortening of NL Tetragonopterus former genus name. See TETRAGON, -O-, -PTEROUS]

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Any of numerous attractively coloured freshwater South American and African fishes (family Characidae), often kept in home aquariums.

Tetras are small, lively, hardy, and unaggressive. The slender neon tetra (Paracheirodon, or Hyphessobrycon, innesi) has gleaming red hind parts and a neonlike blue-green stripe on its sides. The glowlight tetra (Hemigrammus erythrozonus) has a shining red stripe along each side. The body of the silver tetra (Ctenobrycon spilurus) is flattened sidewise.

Glowlight tetras (Hemigrammus erythrozonus)

Jane Burton
Bruce Coleman Ltd.

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 any of numerous attractively coloured freshwater fishes of the characin family, Characidae, often kept in home aquariums (pet). Tetras are characteristically small, lively, hardy, and unaggressive. They are native to South America and Africa. Tetras are egg layers and breed, as do most other characins, by scattering their eggs among aquatic plants. The name tetra was derived from a genus name, Tetragonopterus, once applied to a large number of characins. The tetras found in pet shops are now placed in several genera, such as Hemigrammus, Hyphessobrycon, and Mimagoniates, but the term tetra, though of no scientific significance, continues as a convenient popular name. Well-known species of tetras include the following:

      The black tetra (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi), also called blackamoor, or petticoat fish, is a deep-bodied fish that is 47.5 cm (1.53 inches) long. When small, it is marked with black on its hind parts and dorsal and anal fins; the black fades to gray as the fish increases in size.

      The glowlight tetra (Hemigrammus erythrozonus) is a hardy fish that grows up to 4.5 cm long and has a shining red stripe along each side of its body.

      The neon tetra (Paracheirodon, or Hyphessobrycon, innesi) is a slender fish that is very popular with aquarium owners. It grows to a length of 4 cm, its hind parts are coloured a gleaming red, and its sides have a neonlike blue-green stripe. The cardinal tetra (Cheirodon axelrodi) of Brazil is similar but with more red on its body.

      The silver tetra (Ctenobrycon spilurus) is a deep-bodied fish that is flattened sidewise; it grows to 9 cm and is silvery in colour.

      The Buenos Aires tetra (Hemigrammus caudovittatus) grows to 9 cm; it has reddish fins and a dark, lengthwise stripe on each side that widens to a diamond-shaped spot on each side of the tail root.

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