tertium quid

tertium quid
/terr"shee euhm kwid"/; Lat. /terdd"ti oom' kwid"/
something related in some way to two things, but distinct from both; something intermediate between two things.
[1715-25; < L, trans. of Gk trítonti some third thing]

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  • Tertium quid — (Latin for a third thing ) was a term used in the Christological debates of the fourth century to refer to the followers of Apollinaris who spoke of Christ as something neither human nor divine, but a mixture of the two, and therefore a third… …   Wikipedia

  • Tertium quid — Ter ti*um quid [L.] A third somewhat; something mediating, or regarded as being, between two diverse or incompatible substances, natures, or positions. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • tertium quid — 1724, from L., lit. third something, loan translation of Gk. triton ti (Plato), used in alchemy for unidentified element present in a combination of two known ones …   Etymology dictionary

  • tertium quid — [tʉr′shē əm kwid′] n. [L, lit., third something] something of uncertain or unclassifiable nature, related to, but distinct from, two, usually opposite, things …   English World dictionary

  • tertium quid — noun Etymology: Late Latin, literally, third something; from its failing to fit into a dichotomy Date: circa 1724 1. a middle course or an intermediate component < where there are two systems of law and two orders of courts, there must…be some… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • tertium quid — ter•ti•um quid [[t]ˈtɜr ʃi əm ˈkwɪd, ˈtɛər ti [/t]] n. 1) fot something related in some way to two things, but distinct from both; something intermediate between two things 2) a third person or thing of indeterminate character • Etymology:… …   From formal English to slang

  • tertium quid — noun something intermediate between two classifications …   Wiktionary

  • TERTIUM QUID —    Latin term for a mediating alternative between the beginning and end points which is sometimes chosen when people are presented with a dilemma …   Concise dictionary of Religion

  • tertium quid — [ˌtə:ʃɪəm kwɪd, ˌtə:tɪəm] noun an indefinite and undefined third thing related to two definite or known things. Origin C18: from late L., translation of Gk triton ti some third thing …   English new terms dictionary

  • tertium quid — [L.] A third something …   New dictionary of synonyms

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