
/tem"pee/, n.
1. Vale of, a valley in E Greece, in Thessaly, between Mounts Olympus and Ossa.
2. a city in central Arizona, near Phoenix. 106,743.

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City (pop., 2000: 158,625), southwest-central Arizona, U.S. Tempe is located on the Salt River, near Phoenix.

First settled in 1872, it was renamed in 1880 for the Vale of Tempe in Greece. After World War II the city experienced rapid residential and economic growth with light-industrial development. Arizona State University (founded 1885), located there, has an auditorium designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.

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      city, Maricopa county, south-central Arizona, U.S. It lies along the Salt River and is a southern suburb of Phoenix. First settled (1872) by Charles Hayden, father of former Arizona senator Carl Hayden, it was called Hayden's Ferry until renamed in 1880 for the Vale of Tempe, Greece. It is the site of Arizona State University (1885), whose campus contains the Grady Gammage Memorial Auditorium, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. After World War II Tempe experienced marked residential and economic growth with light-industrial development. The city's economic activities, once centred on agriculture (through the Salt River Irrigation Project), now are based on manufacturing, trade, and high-tech industry; most of the city's farmland was given over to residential and commercial development in the 1990s. Tempe is the home of the spring training camps of the Arizona Cardinals (professional football) and the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim (professional baseball). Since 1971 Tempe has been the host of the Fiesta Bowl (college football). Inc. town, 1894; city, 1964. Pop. (1990) 141,865; (2000) 158,625.

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