- telotaxis
/tel'euh tak"sis/, n. Biol.orientation or movement, by an organism with sensory receptors, toward or away from a particular source of stimulation.[1935-40; TELO-2 + -TAXIS]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
telotaxis — n. [Gr. telos, end; taxis, arrangement] Movement directed towards a goal, with a minimum of deviation in the path taken; see kinotaxis, tropotaxis … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
telotaxis — noun movement of an organism either toward or away from a stimulus … Wiktionary
telotaxis — telo·tax·is .tel ə tak səs, .tēl n, pl tax·es .sēz a taxis in which an organism orients itself in respect to a stimulus (as a light source) as though that were the only stimulus acting on it * * * telo·tax·is (tel″o takґsis) the tendency of … Medical dictionary
telotaxis — telo·taxis … English syllables
telotaxis — tel•o•tax•is [[t]ˌtɛl əˈtæk sɪs[/t]] n. anb bio orientation or movement, by an organism with sensory receptors, toward or away from a particular source of stimulation • Etymology: 1930–35; < G (1919); see telo , taxis … From formal English to slang
telotaxis — “+ noun Etymology: New Latin, from tel (II) + taxis : a taxis in which an organism orients itself in respect to a stimulus (as a light source) as though that were the only stimulus acting on it … Useful english dictionary
Taxis — This article is about the behavioural response. For the vehicle, see Taxicab. For aircraft movement, see Taxiing. A taxis (plural taxes, /ˈt … Wikipedia
stereotyped response — ▪ biology Introduction unlearned behavioral reaction of an organism to some environmental stimulus. It is an adaptive mechanism and may be expressed in a variety of ways. All living organisms exhibit one or more types of stereotyped… … Universalium
-archie — Griechische Wortstämme sind im Deutschen überwiegend in Fachausdrücken zu finden, die entweder direkt dem Griechischen entstammen oder Neubildungen sind. Von einer begrenzten Anzahl dieser Wortstämme wurden und werden zahlreiche wissenschaftliche … Deutsch Wikipedia
-drom — Griechische Wortstämme sind im Deutschen überwiegend in Fachausdrücken zu finden, die entweder direkt dem Griechischen entstammen oder Neubildungen sind. Von einer begrenzten Anzahl dieser Wortstämme wurden und werden zahlreiche wissenschaftliche … Deutsch Wikipedia