
/tee"jee euh/, n.
an ancient city in SE Arcadia, Greece.

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Ancient city, eastern Arcadia, southern Greece.

It was under Spartan rule from the mid-6th century BC until Thebes' victory over Sparta in the battle of Leuctra с 371 BC. Afterward it joined a succession of leagues, and by the early 1st century AD was the only important town in Arcadia. It survived the Goth invasion in 395–396 and flourished under Byzantine and Frankish rule. It is the site of the Temple of Athena Alea, built by the city's traditional founder, Aleus, and rebuilt in the 4th century BC by the sculptor Scopas.

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▪ ancient city, Greece
      ancient Greek city of eastern Arcadia, 4 miles (6.5 km) southeast of the modern town of Trípolis. The Temple of Athena Alea at Tegea was described by the Greek geographer Pausanias (2nd century AD) as excelling all others in the Peloponnese. Originally built by the city's traditional founder, Aleus, the temple was later rebuilt by Scopas, the famous sculptor. Fragments of the temple have been found. Nine separate communities, at an unknown date, united to form Tegea, which until about 550 BC acted as a curb on Spartan (Sparta) expansion. Tegea, loyal to Sparta until 370, thereafter joined a succession of leagues and, by Augustus' time (early 1st century AD), was the only important town in Arcadia. Tegea survived being sacked by the Goths in AD 395–396 and flourished under Byzantine and Frankish rule. Trípolis, founded in the 14th century, replaced Tegea.

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