- tape
—tapeless, adj. —tapelike, adj./tayp/, n., v., taped, taping.n.1. a long, narrow strip of linen, cotton, or the like, used for tying garments, binding seams or carpets, etc.2. a long, narrow strip of paper, metal, etc.3. a strip of cloth, paper, or plastic with an adhesive surface, used for sealing, binding, or attaching items together; adhesive tape or masking tape.4. See tape measure.5. a string stretched across the finishing line in a race and broken by the winning contestant on crossing the line.6. See ticker tape.7. See magnetic tape.8. a magnetic tape carrying prerecorded sound: a tape of a rock concert.v.t.9. to furnish with a tape or tapes.10. to tie up, bind, or attach with tape.11. to measure with or as if with a tape measure.12. to record or prerecord on magnetic tape.v.i.13. to record something on magnetic tape.[bef. 1000; ME; unexplained var. of tappe, OE taeppe strip (of cloth), lit., part torn off; akin to MLG teppen to tear, pluck]
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Universalium. 2010.