
/tahl'kah wah"naw/, n.
a seaport in central Chile. 183,591.

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City (pop., 2002 est.: 245,000), south-central Chile.

Lying on a small peninsula that forms the southwestern shore of Concepción Bay, it is a major port and the site of Chile's main naval station. It is also an important commercial, fishing, and manufacturing centre. The Peruvian ironclad Huáscar, captured by Chile during the War of the Pacific (1879), is moored in the harbour.

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      city, south-central Chile, lying on a small peninsula that forms the southwestern shore of Concepción Bay, just north-northwest of the city of Concepción (q.v.), for which it became the outport after an earthquake in 1730. Talcahuano is now a major port and Chile's main naval station; it is also an important commercial, fishing, and manufacturing centre. Lumber, hides, wool, fur, and coal are the main exports; machinery is imported. Industries include fishing and fish canning, flour milling, and petroleum refining. Nearby is the large steel mill at Huachipato, the San Vicente chemical complex and resort, and Chilean Naval zone headquarters. In Talcahuano harbour is moored the Huáscar, the Peruvian ironclad captured by Chile in 1879, during the War of the Pacific. Talcahuano is linked by both road and railroad to Concepción. Pop. (2002) 161,692.

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