
/tayl/, n.
1. liang.
2. any of various other similar units of weight in the Far East.
3. a former Chinese money of account, being the value of this weight of standard silver.
[1580-90; < Pg < Malay tahil liang]

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      a Chinese unit of weight that, when applied to silver, was long used as a unit of currency. Most taels were equivalent to 1.3 ounces of silver.

      China did not have a national currency until 1933, and hence external trade was conducted in foreign currencies and internal trade in ounces, or taels, of silver. The tael was seldom minted in the form of a coin but rather served as a standard unit of account; actual transactions were completed with ingots of silver, with bank notes or checks expressed in taels, or with silver coins, especially the Spanish or Mexican dollars that flowed into China in great volume in the 18th and 19th centuries. Bar silver imported into China by the Spaniards and others was remelted and cast into specially shaped ingots weighing about 50 taels; these were known as sycees and formed a considerable part of China's bank reserves until 1933.

      Taels varied considerably in weight over China, depending on the scales used in a particular region or locality. The most important currency tael was the Shanghai tael, whose fine-silver equivalent was 518 grains. The Shanghai tael's exchange value fluctuated with the price of silver in London and New York City and was the basis for wholesale trade and foreign-exchange transactions in China's most important commercial city.

      From ancient times the money used by the common people in small transactions was the cash, a bronze coin that was equal in value to one-thousandth of a tael. Beginning in the late 19th century, however, retail trade began to be conducted with Mexican and, later, Chinese silver dollars, fractional silver coins, and 10-cash copper pieces. Finally, in 1933 China's Nationalist government officially abolished the tael, replacing it with the new Chinese standard dollar, or yuan, which remains the basic unit of China's currency.

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