
/tab"euhr it, tab'euh ret", -ray"/, n.
1. a low seat without back or arms, for one person; stool.
2. a frame for embroidery.
3. a small, usually portable stand, cabinet, or chest of drawers, as for holding work supplies.
4. a small tabor.
Also, tabouret.
[1650-60; < F tabouret lit., small drum. See TABOR, -ET]

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also spelled  tabouret  

      type of armless and backless seat or stool. Early taborets were probably named for their cylindrical shape, which resembled a drum (Old French: tabour).

      The name acquired a more specialized meaning in France in the late 17th century, when it referred to upholstered stools provided at the palace of Versailles for the more privileged ladies of the court of Louis XIV (Louis XIV style) to sit upon in the royal presence. A lady's rank dictated the level of decoration lavished upon her taboret. In the following century taborets of various designs became fashionable as household furniture, particularly in France and England.

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  • Taboret — Tab o*ret, n. [Dim. of tabor. Cf. {Tabret}.] (Mus.) A small tabor. [Written also {tabouret}.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • taboret — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. mnż I, D. u, Mc. taboretecie {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} rodzaj krzesła bez oparcia i poręczy, o siedzeniu kwadratowym lub okrągłym; stołek : {{/stl 7}}{{stl 10}}Usiadł na taborecie. Wokół kuchennego stołu były ustawione taborety …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

  • taboret — [tab΄ə ret′, tab′ə ret΄] n. [OFr, a stool, lit., little drum, dim. of tabur: see TABOR] 1. a small tabor 2. a low, upholstered footstool: Also sp. tabouret …   English World dictionary

  • taboret — m IV, D. u, Ms. taboretecie; lm M. y «stołek, zwykle kwadratowy lub okrągły» Taboret kuchenny. Niski, wysoki taboret. Usiąść na taborecie. ‹fr.› …   Słownik języka polskiego

  • Taboret — A taboret (also spelled tabouret) refers to two different pieces of furniture, a cabinet or a stool.The more popular use refers to a small portable stand or cabinet, with drawers and shelves for storage. It is used as a method to bring… …   Wikipedia

  • taboret — noun a low stool in the shape of a drum • Syn: ↑tabouret • Hypernyms: ↑stool * * * taboret, ete obs. forms of tabret …   Useful english dictionary

  • taboret — or tabouret noun Etymology: French tabouret, literally, small drum, from Middle French, diminutive of tabor, tabour drum, from Old French Date: 1630 1. a cylindrical seat or stool without arms or back 2. a small portable stand or cabinet …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • taboret — noun a) A low stool in the form of a drum. b) A low stand or embroidery frame in the same shape …   Wiktionary

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  • taboret — tab·o·ret || tæbÉ™ ret / tæbÉ™rɪt n. stool, seat without back and arms; embroidery frame; small cabinet; small tabor, small drum (also tabouret) …   English contemporary dictionary

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