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synopsize — index abridge (shorten), abstract (summarize), condense Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
synopsize — (Amer.) v. summarize, provide a brief outline of the main points of a subject (also synopsise) … English contemporary dictionary
synopsize — ☆ synopsize [si näp′sīz΄ ] vt. synopsized, synopsizing to make a synopsis of; summarize … English World dictionary
synopsize — synopsis ► NOUN (pl. synopses) ▪ a brief summary or general survey. DERIVATIVES synopsize (also synopsise) verb. ORIGIN Greek, from sun together + opsis seeing … English terms dictionary
synopsize — pˌsīz transitive verb ( ed/ ing/ s) Etymology: Late Greek synopsizein, from Greek synopsis + izein ize 1. : to make a synopsis of : give the essential points of : summarize briefly synopsize a novel 2. : epitomize … Useful english dictionary
synopsize — transitive verb ( sized; sizing) Date: 1882 1. epitomize 2. to make a synopsis of (as a novel) … New Collegiate Dictionary
synopsize — verb To give a synopsis of. Syn: recapitulate, summarize … Wiktionary
synopsize — (Roget s Thesaurus II) verb To give a recapitulation of the salient facts of: abstract, epitomize, go over, recapitulate, review, run down, run through, summarize, sum up, wrap up. Informal: recap. See THOUGHTS … English dictionary for students
synopsize — v 1. summarize, abstract, epitomize, sum up, wrap up, encapsulate, capsule, brief; digest, survey, outline, sketch, skim over; review, recapitulate, rehash, go over, run over, run down. 2. condense, compress, concentrate, consolidate, compact;… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
synopsize — sy·nop·size … English syllables