Swoosh — is the symbol of the athletic shoe and clothing manufacturer Nike. It is among the most easily recognized brand logos in the world.[1][2] History … Wikipedia
Swoosh — Nike Spikes mit Firmenlogo Der Swoosh ist das … Deutsch Wikipedia
swoosh — [swu:ʃ] v [Date: 1800 1900; Origin: From the sound] to make a sound by moving quickly through the air >swoosh[i] n … Dictionary of contemporary English
swoosh — [ swuʃ, swuʃ ] verb intransitive or transitive to move quickly through air or water with a smooth gentle sound, or make something do this: I can hear cars swooshing through the streets. ╾ swoosh noun count … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
swoosh — [swoosh, swo͞osh] vi., vt. [echoic intens. of SWISH] to move, pour, etc. with or as with a sharp rushing or whistling sound n. such a sound … English World dictionary
swoosh — 1867, imitative of the sound intended. The Nike corporate logo so called from 1989 … Etymology dictionary
swoosh — ► NOUN ▪ the sound produced by a sudden rush of air or liquid. ► VERB ▪ move with such a sound. ORIGIN imitative … English terms dictionary
Swoosh — Le Swoosh Le Swoosh sur le côté d une paire de chaussur … Wikipédia en Français
swoosh — UK [swuːʃ] / US [swuʃ] / US [swʊʃ] verb [intransitive/transitive] Word forms swoosh : present tense I/you/we/they swoosh he/she/it swooshes present participle swooshing past tense swooshed past participle swooshed to move quickly through air or… … English dictionary
swoosh — /swʊʃ/ (say swoosh) interjection 1. (an exclamation indicating the high speed at which something or someone has travelled.) –verb (i) 2. to move swiftly: to swoosh down on the sweets. {imitative} …